Sunday, July 15, 2007


You might think that every kind of exercise is good for you, but this is not entirely true.

In the beginning, while you are still overweight, running is not good for your joints because your body must support the excess of weight.

I know, when you run, you burn more calories, but you can become tired and the fatigue can lead you to abandon. This is not what you want, right?

So, I can recommend you one of the two following activities (no chess, no Monopoly and no poker, please):

· Walking

·Nordic walking

The question is: Why walking and/or Nordic walking? Because they are easy on your body (so you don’t risk too much to lose the motivation), can be aerobics (depending on your speed, of course) and because you can practice them anywhere: your park or a gym are some of the places where you can walk.

There are many benefits of walking, and that’s why I started my weight loosing program by this activity. Recently, I discovered the Nordic walking and I consider it as even better to lose
the excess of weight. You need the special poles (very similar to these used in cross-country skiing), so you will use your legs and the upper body, too. You’ll burn between 20% and 40% more calories than by just walking, and the perception of the effort is the same as in walking. The price of the poles is around $100 and I can recommend carbon fiber poles and do not recommend the telescopic ones because they are heavier and can snap, causing the injury.

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