Monday, January 24, 2011

Run at -20°C

After 15 km Saturday (yes, a little less cold than today, but ...) and a mere 5 km yesterday, today I decided to brave the freezing cold (-21 ° C and the light wind removed a couple of Celsius).
I had many difficulties during my Saturday long run because I could not put my balaclava properly. When I put it to cover my nose, my glasses become unusable after a few seconds. So I lowered the balaclava under my mouth and inspired the cold air.
I wanted to buy ski goggles, but I did not find the model that can cover my glasses (OTG - over the glasses). Indeed, I found, but the foam was damaged and they did not want to give me a small discount.
Today - strategy change. I take off my glasses and put the balaclava completely. I don’t see well, but better than with frosted glasses. And I run ...
Full training. At -21 ° Celsius. I'll be ready for my first half marathon!

Friday, January 21, 2011

This is serious :)

Yesterday evening, I officially registered for my first half marathon (Scotia Bank, April 17, 2011). It's a respectable distance - between a real marathon and shorter races, 5 and 10 km.
I hesitated a lot between 5 K and the half-marathon race, and finally decided to see if I can take a step forward.
Where is my endurance at the moment?
The basic training - it is already done. Six km on average each day, plus a long race weekend, between 10 and recently 12 km. I must now increase the mileage, especially the long run, and then add a little speed. This is not the same category as "long distance sprints", 5 and 10 K. However, I must accelerate.
I estimate a time between 1 hour 50 and 2 hours, but any result when will be my personal best. 
I could continue on 5 km, of course, and maybe even win a spot on the podium in my age group as I did last year. Moreover, the competition is not as fierce as on 21.1 km. But I decided to take the challenge - to try a half-marathon. It became the most popular distance in recent years. It's like the transition between the "weekend warriors" and more serious runners. But it is primarily a distance that requires of each athlete to give his maximum, both mentally and physically, without being as tough as a full marathon.
I hope the weather will cooperate a little bit more to allow me to be well prepared. Until now, it was not so bad. Do you have the taste of the challenge? Try the 5 km Bank of Nova Scotia on April 17 on Ile Ste-Helene. That's how I started four years ago.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The importance of shopping your running shoes

My best shoes (a pair of New Balance 859) are near the end of their useful life, for the total distance of a thousand km. My other two pairs (NB 850) are at about 700 km, but I do not like them as much as NB 859. These shoes are, perhaps, lighter and more advanced (whatever it means) but I did not find them so comfortable.
So I decided to buy new shoes. New Balance, of course, because my feet have trouble with 
"standard" shoes .
So I turned to And, miracle, I found NB 859  at a ridiculous price of $ 47 U.S. + shipping. I ordered a pair for a total price of CAD $ 70 directly to my door. I received my new shoes in less than two weeks. When I bought them two years ago in Montreal, they costed 149 + taxes, more than $ 167.
Then I wanted to add another pair. Unfortunately, they were out of stock. So I ordered two pairs of NB 1224 at a cost of U.S. $ 85 + shipping or $ 114 CAD at my door and I received them less than a week later.
Finally, I bought two pairs of Adidas Salvation on sale on the site of Running Room, for $ 19.99 + tax, no shipping costs for delivery in the Running Room store in Montreal. I use them only for short training sessions and the lack of support does not bother me.
The next time you decide to buy running shoes, look first in the US because, despite the parity of our currencies, the shoes are much more expensive in Canada and you can not find last year models as in the U.S. Sometimes, on you can find the real gems almost for nothing. By the way, the NB 1224 two years ago were costing $ 189 + tx in all stores here. I have got two pairs for the price of one!
And with all those beautiful shoes, I have a different pair for each workout.
It was worth looking on the internet, isn't it?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

It is almost 2 PM and I am preparing for my first training in 2011. I started doing small exercises with weights (nothing too heavy, 3 to 5 pounds, plus some abs). Runners must strengthen the upper body without adding too much muscle mass - just the endurance of arms and core.

Two weeks ago, my dad's friend ran the Antarctic Marathon. He arrived at about 5:45, in rather difficult conditions (14th place among thirty runners who finished the race). One minute before him, the race has finished a marathon runner who made a "normal"  Marathon in 2:25. Quite obvious that Marathon not far from the South Pole is not easy. Especially at age 62. It is a true hero!

New year, for some means to lose weight gained during the holidays, start training after several days without activity, resolutions, etc.. Forget resolutions. They are good only for the computer screens :)  

If you want to improve your quality of life, you must start now, when the thought crosses your brain. Never "on January 1", "next Monday", "tomorrow" ... That means now, and if not, never. And you can, my dear readers and friends do so. So ... GO! (Starting gun!!!!)