Saturday, February 12, 2011

In forced rest

This does not happen often, but this time, I caught a flu that forced me not to train since Sunday. A week without racing - it's a week too much.
Everyone in the office is sick, I was in bed for several days and even when I was back at work, I was not able to work properly. And I'm not alone.
But these others, they are not runners. I should, theoretically, have better immunity. One of my colleagues gave up his workouts when the temperature was -15, with the forecast of -20 ° C (a few weeks ago). I continued.
Then, the virus attacked me. And my colleague, who did not want to run at -20, well, he caught the same virus as me several days later.
I hope out of this torpor and start running early next week, but for now I do not feel ready. I am motivated, of course, but the body does not respond properly. I do not give up, anyway.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Winter Storm – a little bit late

Well, it was a winter storm - a little bit late. It was expected to have them more in January. But never mind. Even last night I did my training - 5 km on the sidewalks cleared well enough (in Hampstead). But crossing Decarie was quite an adventure. I even bought ski goggles to protect myself from the snow and extreme cold. If you are interested, you can find them on sale at Sports-Experts from $ 49.99.
So I follow my half marathon program (according to Jack Daniels). Not too fast (not easy to run fast on smooth pavement), but the intensity is not lacking. I hope to be ready in April and then I'll see if I like it. The goal is there, and this is important!

What happens when I run and it’s snowing:IMG_1087

It’s the edge of my hat beneath my left ear :)