Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cotton T-Shirts

So, spring is back, nice weather seems to be here for some time and we run more often, isn’t it?

Recently, I was with my friend on Mount Royal. We ran under the warm sun when a girl just passed as by. Provocation! No, it wasn’t her, nor the fact that she passed us by, but the fact that she wore a cotton t-shirt. No, no! Just the fact that a runner wears cotton apparel makes me feeling bad.

So, what is that bad with cotton? Everything. It is the worst material in the world to put on when exercising (no matter the sport). It doesn’t wick the humidity (sweat), even on the contrary, it will absorb it, your tee will become heavy and uncomfortable and if there is a wind, you have all the chances to become sick.

Actually, polyester is much better and became the obvious choice for tees and shorts, and even the socks are made in materials that wicks humidity and allow to your feet to stay fresh and without blisters (great, it doesn’t stink and moreover it is comfortable).

Unfortunately, during our workout we saw several runners in cotton t-shirts.

Maybe they just don’t know that polyester exists (I frankly doubt, but…) or think it is too expensive. No, polyester tees are really not expensive and you can wear them for years. They dry quickly so can be reused after several hours. The top models offer even the UV and antibacterial protection (no smell!). So, what are you waiting? If you already don’t have one, go to your running store and buy a polyester T-Shirt. You’ll feel much better under the sun.


  1. I guess for those of us over 300 lbs are idots for wearing cotton. I've lost 50 lbs and am looking forward to being able to buy a polyester T-Shirt.

  2. Even the people over 300 lbs are heroes since the moment they do something for their health.
    I was near (297 lbs) when I started my life changes but with a lot of luck I found a polyester T-Shirt.

    50 lbs less! You are doing great! Your polyester tee will be a nice reward for your effort and perseverance.
